En  De  Fr  

Language development with health focus

Praise God for the good start to lan­guage de­vel­op­ment re­search* for a lan­guage in Asia. The fa­cil­i­ta­tor for the pro­ject would like to pro­duce a sim­ple gram­mar and phonol­ogy and fin­ish his study of the so­col­in­guis­tic sit­u­a­tion by May. He also plans to be­gin with lit­er­acy ma­te­ri­als that fo­cus on med­ical is­sues. As they learn to read and study the ma­te­ri­als, peo­ple will learn how to im­prove their health. Pray that he find peo­ple to work with him on this pro­ject. Ask God to help him de­velop ma­te­ri­als that are easy to read, while also com­mu­ni­cat­ing health principles.

*Be­fore be­gin­ning lan­guage de­vel­op­ment ac­tiv­i­ties, it is help­ful to do re­search on the lan­guage struc­ture, vo­cab­u­lary and use by dif­fer­ent groups in the society.

(Source: Prayer bulletin of wycliffe.net)